Help me figure out a project on networking for college

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Junior Member level 1
Nov 22, 2006
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hy ......i m student of elec engg.....i m supposed to submit a project on networking in this smester...but i m totally new to this field and doesnt know much abt i need ur help...can anyone guide me .....i will be ver thankful to him....take care...bye

Re: network project

u can do wlan project IEE 802.11, first gothrough computer communication network by ferozan.

Re: network project

hy....actually i have 2 submit project within 2 weeks if u can help me in doing this ...i will be thankful 2 u....if u can mail me manuals on that project u mentioned on id m reading kurosse's book...

Re: network project


actually, there are many things to consider in designing data communications network; such as the scale of the network you will be complying, the topology of the network, the media, ect. So What network will you be designing? I mean for what purpose? -is it LAN,WAN,MAN of WiFi? Detail this more for we could discuss your problem further...

Re: network project

i would say go for ad hoc networks. I worked on them too and they are the future. You can work on routing algorithms of those networks. They are real simple to design but efficiency is one thing to care about. Plus if the path breaks then what shoulkd be done. You can also go for multimedia communication on ad hoc networks. They are real hot these days.

Re: network project

actually it is not the data comm. project...its a computer networking project....server client programming....P2P programming...these kinds of projects we have to do

Re: network project

this semester?....for 7th?...or final year project?
if u want easy project, do collect some algorithms that it will be easy
in crosslayer designing, many algorithms are available..

Re: network project

Well, if it is a client-server program, You can do it quite easily and quickly.
you can try a multi-threaded webserver. Its quite easy if you know a little bit about socket programming and threading.

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