I would like to say thanks to all people here who gave me sincere advice. I have spent like 2 weeks researching up and down on PLLs, printing and downloading whatever useful material and reading them.
I believe that designing a PLL is a VERY difficult thing. It is a very complex because it involves control system theory and analog design. This is not too difficult. I think the MOST difficult thing for me is the concept of PHASE NOISE and JITTER. It is too abstract and difficult to understand.
If I am not mistaken, designing PLL needs to simulate the control system (closed loop) and the phase noise / jitter. I have no idea how to simulate phase noise and jitter.
Yibin is right. I think if I am going to do PLL without an expert guidance, I think I will be lost half way. I will be like those people who start posting FAQ in the forum, asking how to this and how to that. lol. This is in fact stupid because this is meant to be a training (trained by people), not a full self research thing. Even a PHD student has at least one supervisor to guide them. What is more, I have only 10 months left.
I think I GIVE UP the idea of PLL although it is VERY interesting and TEMPTING. If only I wish I have met with someone with such experty to teach me. Unfortunately, there isn't anyone in TOSHIBA in my department. Sad indeed.
On the other hand, I will be focus my training in new area of SAR if nothing goes wrong. Most probably designing the control logic circuit and DAC/ADC. As for the pierce oscillator, I believe it is not totally a waste, as I do learn some feedback theories from there too, though not much.