Help me about this LED driver works

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Newbie level 3
Jul 12, 2012
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As title says

this is from scooter headlamp
selectable for low beam (mode 1) and high beam (mode 2)

i'm confuse how this thing works

Best Regards

As title says

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this is from scooter headlamp
selectable for low beam (mode 1) and high beam (mode 2)

i'm confuse how this thing works

Best Regards

Certainly leaves a lot to the imagination with missing info.

possibly it uses Vbat/2 to drive the LED Array from the bottom left at Vbat or Ggnd and low beam is reflected differently and driven at lower power with I having a diode drop to reduce current.

The SCR acts as overvoltage protection to the LEDs and must be designed to shutoff by having a large holding current.

Thank you for reply

I think V bat have a "wide range" voltage (commonly about 12-14.5V)
to drive them with 1/2 Vbat ?

How about AC or DC Halfwave feeding this circuit? because when SCR on, its remain on with "pure DC" right ?
many scooter have this configuration for headlamp (but using halogen lamp)

Best Regards

I would have to see more of the circuit. There are 'headlight' LEDs in mode 1 but not in mode 2?

Vbat does have a wide range; around/less than 11V to 15V

1/2 Vbat could work - depends on the rest of circuit.

It does appear like there is AC.

yes, the SCR would remain on if the voltage was pure DC

This is the whole board, i doubt about external circuit to drive those led exist.
its "cheap scooter" not car LED that usually have buck/bost LED driver

Those red circle is to drive main LED
2 for lowbam and other 2 is on at high beam (total 4 led on)

Those Blue circle is only drive DRL LED, i have check PCB not connected to anything

its broken anyway, LED, Zener, and SCR is gone
my friend try to feed this circuit with 27VDC

Thanks for the photo, but I was after a complete circuit diagram, showing the switches, load[LEDs], and electronics.

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