help in buying SIM908 ?

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Hi hemnath,

I have checked the link you posted for learning SIM908 for learning GSM/GPRS/GPS... , I think it is a good one It has got lots of modules and most interestingly two separated UART cable to connect GSM signal and GPS signal respectively to your PC.

Give it a try and post all you learn for community to share.
I also ordered some GSM modules for projects, i will also post mine.


i was looking about the review of SIM908, to make my money worth.
I noticed that sim908 makes some problem in communicating with GPS.

Did anyone used it? is it good?

I have placed an order for same module and should arrive in a couple of days. I should be able to give a comprehensive review then.


Alright, Store told me Item should arrive on Wednesday.

Have you worked on other GSM Modules?

Ok Hemnath,

I have previously used Sagem MyX6 Phone to work on UART Communication, Send & Receive SMS and it was fun working with it.

Hi, the GSM Module have finally arrived and I have started work on it. I will post Updates and Pictures of project soon.


Hi all,
I have a client, he is live in Newdelhi, India.
He have SIM908 customer board, but SIM908 died. And he want to buy some pcs.
Please, suggest address where retail SIM908 to me.
Thank you.

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