Help in antenna design with Ansoft HFSS and Ansoft Designer

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Newbie level 5
Aug 29, 2004
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I simulated a simple microstrip antenna using Ansoft HFSS 9.2 and Ansoft Designer but obtain different results for both the software. The antenna was excatly same dimension and fed with a 50Ω microstrip line. I used 50Ω lumped-port as excitation for HFSS and edge port for Designer. Both come out the different result! Can any experts pls spend some time to check the design files attached?

Thank you in advance.


Re: Help in antenna design with Ansoft HFSS and Ansoft Desig

Hi, friend!
For HFSS design, you assigned wrong a lumped port .
At the attachment file you can see right Lumped port assigning and simulation result.

Re: Help in antenna design with Ansoft HFSS and Ansoft Desig

Hi everyone,

I have problem with the Ansoft HFSS and Ansoft Designer. This time is due to probe feed patch antenna. Below is the simulated and design file using both software. Although the BW which is <10db is almost the same but the range is different. This is critical to my supervisor (I am a student) frequency range and resonant frequency requirements . Can someone feel free to go through the design files and tell me what is the problem that both softwares can not match?
Did I set the boundary correctly (in HFSS)? Is the length of the probe may bring any effects to the simulated result?

Thank you thank you very much
Re: Help in antenna design with Ansoft HFSS and Ansoft Desig

Both the rectangular patch antenna is operated at 5.3GHz, did the HFSS boundary is enough?

Re: Help in antenna design with Ansoft HFSS and Ansoft Desig

Hi everyone,

Just want to say that I found the problem, I had no enough meshes in Designer, once I increase the meshes in Designer, both simulated results is very close and solve my problem.....

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