Help Identify SMD SOT23-6 chip marked clearly 002K

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Jan 12, 2022
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I have a SMD SOT23-6 chip marked 002K. This IC is in a relatively simple circuit powered by a 3Volt watch battery. It somehow senses motion then drives 5 Led's when motion is detected then holds the Led's on until no motion detected for a few minutes then shuts them off. I do not have any great way of taking a close up picture of it as I would need a microscope camera setup. Pin 2 = - battery, pin 5 =+3Volts . Led's are grounded and the output pin 3 drives the anodes via 220 ohm series resistors to each one. Pin 4 has a series 3.6K ohm resistor to a large SMD device that looks like a cap but may be the motion sensor device. The other lead of that device goes directly to pin 6 which also has a 4.7 meg ohm resistor to +3 volts. From pin 1 there is a 1K ohm resistor to a very long trace which appears it may be being used as an antenna as there is 3.2 M ohm impedance from the non pin 1 side of the 1K ohm resistor to gnd ( pin 2 ). The other end of this long trace is not terminated. Any help anyone can provide would be great. The 002K markings are laser branded beginning right above the pin 1 designation dot pretty much centered on the chip package. No other markings.How can I detrmine what this chip is I have spent HOURS looking for a circuit like this on line to no avail.
Thanks in advance Billm

My guess would be a microcontroller of some kind, the function isn't something that would seem to demand a custom design, most likely the timing is derived in software. For example, and I'm not saying it is this part although the pins do match, the PIC10F202.


How about showing a photo?
AS I stated in my original posting - I would need a microscope camera setup to provide a photo. Since I do not now have access to that equipment since I am now retired from the electronics industry, I cannot provide a photo. What is the big deal about providing photos what can you tell from photos that is different from my desctiption ? I think that the previous post before yours may have solved this problem but I am not sure yet. I need to do further analysis on the circuit layout and the unknowns it still posses before I can be sure. Thanks to Brian for the help so far. He may have me on the right track - not sure yet.

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