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HELP ICD-S + CCS C Firmware

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
May 11, 2001
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16f87a schematic


I have mounted the ICD-S free to 20Mhz that i view in one of links of elektroda:, I am using it with the Firmware ICD of CCS version 1.15 rev#32 for PIC16 and it works to me by halves, that is to say, when I execute CCS program ICD recognizes the ICD1-S well, but when I say to him that connects with the Target, said that the version does not recognize the Target, in the Target I test with the PIC16F876 and the 16F87A but without results: ((
I have measured the voltages in several points of the ICD1-S and have the following :
In pin 3 of the U3 (78L12) I have 13,10V WITHOUT target connected.
In the Colector of Q5(2N2222) I have 16,26V WITHOUT target connected.

In pin 3 of the U3 (78L12) I have 11,22V WITH target connected.
In the Coloector of Q5(2N2222) I have 12,60V WITH target connected.

I test all circuit 5 times and found that the Q3 Transistor are wrong in the pcb, i put it in good position but the ICD still don´t work...

When I look to the ICD of CCS the Vdd says 4,52V and if I give the option To update the Firmware gives an error q says to something as me as "expecting B1 got 90" and after does not find the ICD-S.

Thanks you.

icd-s hex

I test it, with MPLAB 5.xx and work... but MPLAB ICD not accept 16F877A and 16F876A then i can´t work with it.

I programed a 16F876 with a 3,6864Mhz crystal and a MPL876.hex and Mplab worked.

I want use with the CCS ICD and a 20Mhz crytal, but de CCS ICD said that not found a target.... and the Vpp and Vdd voltajes down very much and the 78L12 is very very HOT...

What i can do to work the CCS ICD at 20Mhz??.

Can any body help me?? :( :(

Thx capelo.

upgrade firmware + icd

MPLAB ICD works well with 16F877A and with 16F876A, you must upgrade the firmware contains in 16F876 on the ICD board. Look at his firmware on microchip website. If you don't found it I'll upload it.


firmware icd ccs

thaks crazyduck.

But, the ICD said "Target NO Found"

I don't understand since there is people who making the same PCB with such component says that it works to them well with the ICD CCS at 20Mhz?? :? :?

Best Regards

icd1 ccs

Try reading this thread:

**broken link removed**

maybe you will find what you have been looking for :)

best regards

ccs pic c compiler firmware version icd

Thanks C-Man,

But i read all post in elektroda with ICD reference, anybody said that the Q3 Transistor on this Schematic"", is in wrong place, I don´t undertand how all people said "my ICD-S work fine", some body said me in other forun that the ICD telefone 6 wires not is 1->1, 2->2, 3->3, 4 -> 4, 5->5, 6->6 said that the correct is
1 ->6, 2->5, 3->4, 4 -> 3, 5->2, 6->1, i don't know...

Best Regards

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