HELP:I can't install the @da 2002c

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Junior Member level 2
Jul 4, 2002
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I can't install the @ds 2002c in my Dell P4, w2k computer

Please give more information... What errors do you get?

I give you a hint, try to make the install dir shared.
Ha Ha ......

I have it on a Sony Viao and WinME and it works fine. What won't it do? No install? Can't see the license? Let us know and we can help.

my ads2002c baby works fine also on my Win2K.

Could you tell me the detail?

Does it come with anti-virus software pre-installed? Certain anti-virus softwares will give problems. Mcaffee is one of them as I've found out. I'm not sure for other anti-virus softwares, but disabling them will help through the installation process...

Make sure your source program didn't corrupt. /\DS2002c support up to WinXP. Now I'm using in my IBM/W2K without any problem.

I have to agree that it runs ok with winxp... but I've had a nasty experience installing it until I realised that some other softwares may cause conflict. So check it...

2/0/0/2/C does not start

I don't know why but my 0/2/C lic does not work (yes, it's a C lic) . Could someone tell me what difficulty you have had and what you did to overcome it please.

I'm about to give up with 2/0/0/2"C", (have 2/0/0/2 running fine).

Probably you have put the license file into \ADS2002C\licenses

The license file should be placed into c:\flexlm ....NOT into the path mentioned above!

And environment variables should be set as..

The error may be seems to be..

" Unlicensed version of the program is installed " smt like that..

I guess..


Make sure you got the right version of license. @/D/S 2002c do not support a license file of STRENGTH less than 113BITS.

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