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Help for layout in Microwave Office

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Apr 16, 2006
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+proper lay out of an office

Hi everybody,
I have a problem with that circuit, the simulation in MWO is working but when I generate the layout, the circuiit doesn't seems correct and I as have to turn it into a gerber file for fabrication can someone help me to arrange the schematic of this circuit (without degrading its actual performance) in order to obtain a correct gerber file?
Thx by advance.

Added after 4 minutes:

Here is the file

microwave office gerber layout

I regret to tell you this but if you want to get reliable results do not use Microwave Office at all. I went thru all these problems several years ago and then switched to more reliable simulators.

Hello hussard11,

It is very easy to get the layout from the schematic in AWR MWO...
There are couple of chapters in MWO Getting Started Manual on how to get the proper layout view for gerber export...
I spent two minnutes two get the portion of your design into layout ...
Try this...
As you start placing elements in schematic access the layout view concurently and
snap the layout elements in subsequent steps with using proper rotate , flip & sanp to Fit options...So finally you willl be ready with the layout along with the circuit schematic for simulation...This is the easiest way & fastest way of building layout...

Otherwise if you placed alll the circuit elemnts & try to snap it will snap all the elements & you will not get your exact required layout & also you will be confused, especially connected elements in loop...
So in this case disable portion of the elements in schematic will automatically drop from layout view...Then snap them...keep on enable element by element & you will be able to get layout with proper usage of rotate & flip commands in layout editor...

I have attached snap shorts of the above mentioned steps for your reference...
I hope this helps you...


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