The currently used half bridge driver IC operating supply voltage specification is between 10-20V. The supply voltage is derived from a capacitor which is charged from battery. When battery power is not there my supply will start reducing from 18V to 10V. I am using a 470uf*2no. of capacitor so as my understanding is the discharge time will be ((470uF*2)*(18-10))/(5mA). 5mA is my discharge current and I am getting only nearly 2 sec. I want to increase this 2 Sec to atleast 5Sec. For that I added one more 470uF capacitor and thinking to raise the 18V battery to 24V and selecting a half bridge driver that can operate from 24V to 4V so that I will get ((470uF*3)*(24-4))/5mA = 5.64Sec. I am not sure I am thinking in the right direction. Please help..