boost converter formulae
I am trying to build a boost converter. The scope of my project is that the input voltage is variable (8V to 23V) and the output is constant (24V). I am using PIC16F877 as the switching part and MAX627 as the MOSFET driver. The switching frequency is 20kHz and my boost converter should be able to run until 100W.
Problems occurred when I test my circuit with load. During low load condition R=165ohm(I'm using pure resistive as load), the output voltage is correct and runs according to calculation and formulas. But when I tried with higher load R = 25ohm, the output voltage starts to distort(spike/overshot) and voltage drop occurred. The circuit not run according to the formulas (Vout= Vin/(1-k) ). My major problem is that the voltage waveform is not smooth.
Anybody can give ideas?I had stuck in this problem for few months. Thanks.
p/s:I had attached my design circuit for easy understanding.