Newbie level 4
![Newbie level 4](/styles/images/ranks/blevel1.gif)
Hi all
On the subject of Tahmid
Talk about generating a sine wave with SPWM in the PIC16F684
Feedback added here
To be like this
And on the topic of Thamed
Talk about Sine Wave Generation with "Fast PWM Mode" of AVR - using ATmega16
I tried adding a feedback to it and it stopped at ADC pins
Please help with that as my experience is not enough
This is what I modified, is it correct?
I am doing an experiment on the ATmega8
On the subject of Tahmid
Talk about generating a sine wave with SPWM in the PIC16F684
Feedback added here
To be like this
Code C - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 const unsigned char sin_table[416]= { 0,16,33,49,64,79,93,106,118,129,138,146,153,158,161,163,163,161,158,153,146,138,129,118,106,93,79,64,49,33,16,0, //65% 0,17,34,51,67,82,97,110,122,134,143,152,158,164,167,169,169,167,164,158,152,143,134,122,110,97,82,67,51,34,17,0, //67.5% 0,18,35,52,69,85,100,114,127,138,149,157,164,169,173,175,175,173,169,164,157,149,138,127,114,100,85,69,52,35,18,0, //70% 0,18,36,54,71,88,103,118,131,143,154,163,170,175,179,181,181,179,175,170,163,154,143,131,118,103,88,71,54,36,18,0, //72.5% 0,19,38,56,74,91,107,122,136,149,160,169,176,182,186,188,188,186,182,176,169,160,149,136,122,107,91,74,56,38,19,0, //75% 0,20,39,58,77,94,111,126,141,153,165,174,182,188,192,194,194,192,188,182,174,165,153,141,126,111,94,77,58,39,20,0, //77.5% 0,20,40,60,79,97,114,130,145,158,170,180,188,194,198,200,200,198,194,188,180,170,158,145,130,114,97,79,60,40,20,0, //80% 0,21,41,62,81,100,118,134,149,163,175,185,193,199,204,206,206,204,199,193,185,175,163,149,134,118,100,81,62,41,21,0, //82.5% 0,22,43,64,84,103,122,139,154,168,181,191,200,206,211,213,213,211,206,200,191,181,168,154,139,122,103,84,64,43,22,0, //85 0,22,44,66,86,106,125,143,159,173,186,197,205,212,216,219,219,216,212,205,197,186,173,159,143,125,106,86,66,44,22,0, //87.5% 0,23,45,67,89,109,129,147,163,178,191,202,211,218,222,225,225,222,218,211,202,191,178,163,147,129,109,89,67,45,23,0, //90% 0,23,46,69,91,112,132,150,167,183,196,207,217,224,228,231,231,228,224,217,207,196,183,167,150,132,112,91,69,46,23,0, //92.5% 0,24,48,71,94,116,136,155,173,188,202,214,223,230,235,238,238,235,230,223,214,202,188,173,155,136,116,94,71,48,24,0, //95% }; unsigned int TBL_POINTER_NEW, TBL_POINTER_OLD, TBL_POINTER_SHIFT, SET_FREQ; unsigned int DUTY_CYCLE, FBV, FB_Step, adder; void interrupt() { if (TMR2IF_bit == 1){TBL_POINTER_NEW = TBL_POINTER_OLD + SET_FREQ; if (TBL_POINTER_NEW < TBL_POINTER_OLD){P1M1_bit = ~P1M1_bit;} TBL_POINTER_SHIFT = TBL_POINTER_NEW >> 11; DUTY_CYCLE = TBL_POINTER_SHIFT + adder; CCPR1L = sin_table[DUTY_CYCLE]; TBL_POINTER_OLD = TBL_POINTER_NEW; TMR2IF_bit = 0; }} void main() { SET_FREQ = 410; TBL_POINTER_SHIFT = 0; TBL_POINTER_NEW = 0; TBL_POINTER_OLD = 0; DUTY_CYCLE = 0; FB_Step = 0; adder = 0; T1CON = 0b00001001;//1:1 Prescale Value, Enables Timer1 ANSEL = 0b00000001;//RA0/AN0 as analogue input. TRISA = 0b00000001;//PortA as output except RA0 as input ADCON0 = 0b00000011;//Analog Channel (AN0) ADCON1 = 0b01100000;//FOSC/64 CMCON0 = 7; PR2 = 249; TRISC = 0x3F; CCP1CON = 0x4C; TMR2IF_bit = 0; T2CON = 4; while (TMR2IF_bit == 0); TMR2IF_bit = 0; TRISC = 0; TMR2IE_bit = 1; GIE_bit = 1; PEIE_bit = 1; ADC_Init(); while(1) { FBV = ADC_Get_Sample(0); if (FBV < 512){FB_Step++; if (FB_Step > 12) FB_Step = 12; } else { if (FB_Step > 0){FB_Step--;}} adder = FB_Step << 5; TMR1L = 0; TMR1H = 0; T1IF_bit = 0; } }
And on the topic of Thamed
Talk about Sine Wave Generation with "Fast PWM Mode" of AVR - using ATmega16
I tried adding a feedback to it and it stopped at ADC pins
Please help with that as my experience is not enough
This is what I modified, is it correct?
I am doing an experiment on the ATmega8
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