Help a noobie with 556 timer

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Newbie level 3
Nov 11, 2014
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Hey guys, noobie here. I would like to add a spdt momentary switch to a 556 monostable circuit. I have the 556 setup with a delay on of .5 seconds (or somewhere close to that, the amount of time isn't critical) on each half of the chip. I would to use the spdt momentary switch to toggle between the two. Would someone let me know if this is possible? if not, could I use 2 555's? or anything else that would make a small circuit. I have googled my noobie off looking for an answer without any luck.



Not sure what you're trying to do. What do you mean "toggle between the two"? And your schematic doesn't make much sense, either. You've got the trigger/threshold inputs tied to ground through a resistor. And then you've got a 470uf Capacitor connected from there to +5. What drives your trigger?

I want to toggle between the two led's with each having a .5 delay on. When playing around with the 556 on the breadboard, I started with one half thinking if I could make one work I'd do the same on the other half. My Schematic was the only layout I could get the delay on to work when I apply power. I'm trying to simulate two mouse clicks (I was using the led's for testing). I'm wanting to wire this into a mouse so I can use the momentary switch on my phone receiver.

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