Hello guys,
I am working on a project to make device(microcontroller) to measure the heart beat per minute with the sensor TCRT1000 in PIC 16F877A. Therefore if anyone knows and would help me with CCS C program and ISIS shematic draw I will be really glad. Thanks in advance.
If you want someone to do this job, the Classifieds is the suited section to open this thread, otherwise you need to specify athe exact problem you want to solve. BTW, there are a lot of circuits on the web with which you could start something.
It's not that difficult to design heart rate monitor. You need to start two counts.
1) First count is counting the pulses from sensors.
2) Second count is a timer for getting pulses for 1 sec.
So, now you can get total pulses counted in 10 sec and then multiply it with 6 to get your bpm ( Beats per min ). You should read this Heart Beat Monitor using Arduino in proteus ISIS. They have also provided the simulation for download. Although its on Arduino but you can get the algo from the code and can design it for your own microcontroller.