Electrical Characteristics
When idle, pull-ups within CEC devices lift the CEC bus voltage to between 2.5 and 3.63
volts. CEC devices assert bits by pulling the bus down to between 0 and 0.6 volts. All de-
vices monitor the logical state of the bus by comparing bus voltage with a state-dependent
threshold, which provides approximately 400 millivolts of hysteresis. Rise and fall times
may be purposely slowed to avoid ringing. Signal rise and fall times only need to be less
than 250 and 50 microseconds, respectively. Maximum leakage current is limited to 1.8
microamps to prevent devices from affecting the CEC bus, when they are disconnected
from the power company. Since the CEC bus can include ten 100pF devices and nine
700pF cables, the maximum bus capacitance is 7200pF.