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hardware Device to detect computer hacking

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Junior Member level 2
May 19, 2004
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how to detect hack to my compyter anybody know what a device that could detect ar alert user that the computer is being hack by someone. can i built my own device a simple device that connect to my port. any idea please.

thank you.

computer hacking device

You have to be more specific to describe _which_ kind of attacks you want to prevent. What do you mean by "port" ? physical connection or logical TCP/IP port? Some examples:

A) Someone uses a binocular and watches your keyboard entry and the output on the screen. You may of course identify if such a situation may occur. The only prevention from this is to retreat to a room without windows, or to turn the display and keyboard in an not direct visible position.

B) Someone uses an external keyboard scanner and an external video interface to transmit the output to a distant location: I am not sure if there is some "electronic" possibility to identyfy that the "load" of keyboard input or display output is "higher as expected". One possibility to prevent from this is to disable physical access to the connectores, that nobody may plug in any kind of keyboard sniffer adapter.

C) Someone has captured your account and is able to log in your computer (or host account). This may not be identifyable, as it might be you who is loggin in. Probably it might be identified, if there is some rule like "If user billy_foo is loggin in from 18:00-06:00 then give an alert to ..." This rule is set up in the assumption that user billy_foo will leave the office latest at 19:00, and has not to log in (but probably to log out). A possible alarm indication might also be that you will get a popup window when you log in the next time "Your last login has been DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm from Terminal xyz. Do you agree with this or do you assume an intruder login?" (something similar happens at MY PC at office)

D) someone has identified your IP adress in a network and is able to connect to the network with some sniffer software. So he is able to log all data communication between your PC and a distant server or other devices. Thats really dificult to identify, as the "secret agent" is not diret idenifyable (he gives no resoponse to the network). The possibility to identyfy this situation by electric measurement is also pretty unlikely. You may protect all cables in an unacessible way for not autorized persons.

E) For "internal" identification of hacking, there are thousands of commercial or shareware products available, like antivirus software, trojan checker software, firewall software etc.

software to detect intruders on my lan

actually iam looking ist possible to built my own device that connected to my com port or printer port that can detect any intruder to my pc, example somebody in my office try to hack to my pc or try to explore my file i can be alert from the beeping sound or LED light of my device which connected to the pc. i know i can check all this by using a software like a tcpdump but here something is on hardware thing.


detect sound alerts on pc

i know i can check all this by using a software like a tcpdump

So you want to scan, if someone from "outside" wants to get access through the network interface (Ethernet) to your computer?

...i can be alert from the beeping sound or LED light of my device which connected to the pc...

To build some interface hardware device which is connected to the COM or LPT port is not that difficult thing. As the physical interface definition is well known, it might not be that difficult to set up such a device with (only) a LED and a beeper inside. You have to control the flashing of the light or the beep tone ringer by some software within the computer. But as you need some software at all, it might be easier to use the inetrnal beeper or a keyboard LED for signalling the intruder situation.

....that can detect any intruder to my pc, example somebody in my office try to h@ck to my pc or try to explore my file

Which other conditions should the device be able to identify? What are the rules that describe an intruder situation?

...but here something is on hardware thing

Some kind of software for intruder detection should be placed at this hardware dongle???? Which processor should be used within the device? Which software do you want to use? how do you reach (configure) the software within the dongle?

how to detect user online in my own computer

TQ for the great info and it make me eager to do this project. ur are right that is what i want...
i dont have much knowledge in programming what iam thinking it something that already have in the internet, a program that can control this scan device. may be window base program. i hope somebody could help me on this it just a simple program with a simple device. please...please.. :)

unable detect hardware device in computer

it just a simple program with a simple device. please...please..

You probably still do not understand the compexity of the theme or of your request. It is definitly NOT a simple program with a simple device !!!

There are two components which play a major role in the game: The Computer you want to monitor and an "external device" from which i do not understand until now what tasks this device should perform.

Scanning and identifyinig of intruders is a very sophisticated task, and can not be done by glueing a few LED, resistors and OP-AMP together, and check if VPP at Data_signal_line_3 is below 2.85 Volt. Independent if you are able to program or not, i hope thet you understand the basic building blocks: you need SOME kind of complex scanner software which has to run on SOME processor.

Which procesor should be used? The one within your computer which should be monitored? This would be a good choice, as "inside" the Computer, some kind of scanner software might be much more able to detect some intruder. Watching the system only from outside by analyzing ip packets will probably result in very poor hits in identifying the spy.

But what reason is then to use an external device? IF the processor within the computer is doing the (pretty complex) job of intruder monitoring and detection the only task the external device may perform is to signal the occurence of an intruder. Solder a led on your parallel port, and do some commands like "activate the LED on the port" if the situation occurs. But simply for signalling, you may also use the LED in the keyboard which may flash in an special rythm. If there is some internal software available, it WILL signal and monitor the situation in a proper way, but probably not in the way that it wants to use some properitary hardware equipment like your ominous "external device"

BUT: As I assume, you want to plug an external device on your computer, and this external device sholud not (in no way) direct interact with your computer, but nevertheless should identify spies. How should this device do this? It needs the calculating power of a small computer to do this in a acseptable manner, and the chance to detect intruders only by taking a look at their IP adresses or port numbers is not enough. How should the device knew, WHICH IP adresses and Port numbers it should watch for? It has to learn it from someone to differ between the good and the bad packets.

I do not know any small hardware (PC architecture based), that has the size of a cigaret package or smaller for an acceptable price, and at least a 486-66 Processor and a Network card inside, and is able to run at least Windows98 to do some kind of sniffer job. The easiest way for your problem seem to be: set up a second regular computer, put this second computer in the same network like the first, install some (free available) windows based sniffer software, that will trigger on a special event like:

repeat cyclic:
IF ( the_computer_which_should_be_monitored ) receives a data packet
- from Network adress xxx or
- from all network adresses except yyy or
- to port adress qqq or
- to all port adresses except rrrr
THEN ( do_some_signalling )

remember, scanning this from external is only second choice, the best way to detect an intruder is within the system itself...

By the way: knewing that the IP-Adress xxx using port adresss qqq and adressing the observed computer is one of the "undesiered" ones does not give you the answer: "Thats an offence from Jim_Bean, locatet in xyz Village at Main street 123." It will only give you the information THAT an intruder has probably identified. That might also be some regular PING or router traffic infromation which has nothing to do with hacking.

Try to read through all documentation you may find to the theme "network sniffing, data analyzis in complex networks, intruder detection" and all thess stuff. Take als a look at

software to detect ping

Im getting kind of lost here - what exactly do you want to be able to detect for?? there's millions of different hacks possible - do you want to check for just one??

the hardware will be simple anyway - just a led on the com port. all your code will run on the pc but what exactly do you want to do?

detect computer hardware

maybe somebody in my lan try to ping to my pc and the device can detect this ping command. only to one type of hacking (ping/icmp)
i need the circuit to built this device and the program if anybody have it.

how to detect computer hacking

maybe somebody in my lan try to ping to my pc and the device can detect this ping command. only to one type of hacking (ping/icmp)

You now that "ping-íng" a computer is a usual request in a network which has nothing to do with hacking? That is as if someone is ringing your door bell to see if you are at home. if no answer occurs, then nobody is there (in network meaning: the target is not reachable). There might be hundred or thousands of pings during the day.

How do you want to identyfy if one particular ping might be a from a spy?

i need the circuit to built this device and the program if anybody have it.

You need the cirquit to build a PC in a "small parallel port adapter size?" ? I think this will be beyond your capabilities. Buy a cheap small old PC motherboard from junk market, THAT IS your device you need for that task.

It seems still for me that you do not understand how things work. Install ZoneAlarm or any other firewall software direct on your PC, this will prevent your system 10.000 times betetr than some external device which will flash if an ping occurs.

detect computer connected to my computer

ohhh... i c... i got it now...TQ nerd77, u have help me a lot...thanks again. i will install zone alarm and play around with it.

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