Hard Coded ...What does it mean ?

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Aug 5, 2005
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what does hard coded mean

Hi all,

I am a student doing my project work, I got a paper that have a certain part of it modelled as "hard coded" using VHDL, dont under stand what this term "hard coded"mean. Any body can please guide me and refer any litrature available on the web with respect to VHDL and Hard coding.
thanks for your time,

what does hardcoded mean?

"Hard coded" usually means that some number or algorithm is buried in the source code, and can only be changed by editing the source code and recompiling, rather than by some simpler, more convenient method.

what does hardcoded mean

I would say that hard coded refers to parameters that you fixed in your codes although these parameters can be left varying based on some external stimulus or other processes that might influence this parameter value. For an example, lets say you have an embedded system that has a parameter that can varies between two values (n possible values might exist between these 2 border values). And this values can be set by using an external input (say a DIP switch). But if you were to hard code the codes, you can do away with the DIP switch but hard code the parameter to a fixed value. This hard code method makes your embedded system or any other system less suitable for a newer requirement for the system in which you must change the value you hard coded earlier whenever there's a new requirement comes.

However, if you were developing a product which I would say static and does not require any futher changes/requirement, hard code might be the cheapest solutions but time consuming if any changes required. Flexibiltiy must be left open for any system rather than closing it down totally for future requirement.

Good luck.


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hardcoded means

"Hard Coded" means the code cannot be changed. Either the code is built into hardware, such as a Prom, jumpers, the arrangement of logic chips, or a switch array; or the code is built into the software in such a way that any change will render the software inoperable.

what means hardcoded

Thank you very much for all seniors for in time and brief help.

What I understood, is that Hard coding means that the program is fixed and cannt be changed.

Please guide me if I need to impliment any program as hard coded for FPGA implimentation what is the guidline....I mean where should I start, is it different then normal RTL or behaviour modelling.

best regards,


what does hard code mean

Have you tried typing into google. Type "hardcoded fpga" and I believe one of Xcell article seem to say hard coded is a number being set within the HDL code (constant for example).

The term is also use in software as well.

what does hard coded sub mean

You could ask your instructor.

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