Half adders and Full adders are used for what circuits

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May 16, 2015
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I don't see half adders or full adders much in logic TTL or CMOS circuits. Which analog or logic circuits uses half adders IC chips or full adder IC chips. They have a carry out and overflow output pins. The Adder IC chips don't cause a Carry over ripple problem, any reasons why.


This sound like a newbe question..
There are a lot websites (wikipedia) that explain adders. Read it.

Which analog or logic circuits uses half adders
Speaking of half adder and full adder is only for logic IC but not for analog ICs.

They have a carry out and overflow output pins.
The carry out IS the overflow out.

The (most important) difference between half and full adders is that the full adder has a carry_in.


I have never seen a half adder or full adder IC chip used in TTL or CMOS logic circuits. I have seen gates, flip flops, registers, decoders, timers. I have never came across even a half adder or full adder circuit used from gates. When would I come across half adders and full adder circuits?

The only time I have seen adders made from TTL was in a digital computer made from TTL chips (it in was 1969). They are inside every micro processor IC. As they carry out the function of A + B, then for most designs this can be done with an analogue Op Amp or a complete microprocessor.

Back in ancient times, before the microprocessor was invented, huge complex digital circuits were built to process masses of parallel binary data.
Some digital instruments needed to add and subtract numbers, or compare two numbers, and it was all done with discrete interconnected logic chips.
Even some of the very first computers were built that way.

Once low cost single chip micro controllers and CPUs became available, circuit boards with literally hundreds of logic gates and counters and adders could be replaced by only one chip that could be programmed to do the same task.

Nobody uses adders anymore. If you want to add two numbers you use a microcontroller and write a suitable program to do the addition.
Adders still exist, but they are pretty much now totally obsolete technology.


What have you seen CMOS full or half adder chips used for in a logic circuit. Yes I they add or subtract logic signals but in what applications are they used. I personally have never seen them used just have read about them in digital logic theory books.

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