Understand H-plane filter has the same "B" dimension, why does it called "H-plane", relating to Magnetic field not changing on the plane?
H-plane waveguide structure only support TEmn mode, which has Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy, Hz vector, correct? So the magnetic vectors are on all the directions....
Looking at linear polarized waveguide modes, you'll realize that they involve H- and B-planes which contains the vector of H respectively B-field with zero fieldstrength perpendicular to the plane.
Looking at linear polarized waveguide modes, you'll realize that they involve H- and B-planes which contains the vector of H respectively B-field with zero fieldstrength perpendicular to the plane.
Linear Polarized mode, you mean for example TEm0 mode? Yes, I understand for those modes, H-filed only has X and Z vector (assume XZ plane is the so-called H-plane)
However, We know H-plane Filter/discontinuity also supports other TEmn mode, e.g. TE11 mode, which has H-field with Y-vector, so no Zero field strength perpendicular to the plane.