Hello everyone,
I am starting to plan to make my own riding cooler here shortly and have a few prelim questions that i am hoping someone can assist me with. My budget only allows me to buy some parts at a time so this project is probably a few months out but I was thinking for the controller I could design my own H-bridge. Before I jump to the questions my system is as follows:
DC motor: 500-750W
Battery: 24V, 12AH
With these parameters I can expect to see a full drive @750W of around 32A with possibly inrush spikes higher. I wanted to rate my H-bridge to around 40A continuous just for some buffer. So I want to do P-FETs for my high side switches and N-FETs for my low side switches. I will have anti-parallel diodes to handle the EMF of the motor when the field collapses and it shuts off. I will have a cap to limit and battery spikes of the battery. I will have heatsinks on all the switches and drive the switches with a micro configuration (either direct, with small transistors, or drivers). I am thinking I can do it with an arduino since all I have to do is drive the high side to low and the low side to 12V above the gap voltage.
So my questions are:
Is there a way I can determine the EMF current to size my diodes correctly?
What will be the voltage seen at the N-FET on the negative side of the motor? I guess I have always been confused a little about the actual voltage. When the high side is on there is only a small voltage allowed across the source drain junction and a high current (2V on max and 30A). I guess any clarity on this topic in general will help.
Going along with the one above, what voltage will I need to activate the N-FET? This will determine if I need a driver or not to turn on the gate.
Does anyone have an example on how to use the back EMF for regenerative breaking? So I turn off the motor and allow a single path to stay open with a rectifier and put it to the battery?
Worst comes to worse I can buy a 750W controller made for scooters or what not but I think if it was simple enough I could manage to make it myself. So far all I see is:
4 switches
4 diodes
Driver (probably micro or transistors)
Various resistors
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.