The left upper picture shows a guard on a signal line between an amplifier and an ADC.
The left lower picture shows an amplifier and an U-I converter.
==> what is your configuration?
Gard ring: usally is used on high ohmic signal lines. But your signal line is not high ohmic.
It is used to avoid that leakage currents on the PCB don't change voltage on high ohmic signal lines. To do so, the guard must be driven from an amplifier and the guard must have the same voltage as the signal line. This usually is done by an unity gain amplifier (buffer) ... often at he receiver side.
XTR111 has a built in buffer that could be used as guard buffer, LTC2420 has no buffer.
In your circuit the guard is ground voltage (zero) instead of signal line voltage. Therefor ther will be leakage currents..
So i'm a bit confused.
Please clarify:
Why do you need a guard ring?
Where is the left top picture from?