Gsm based home security system

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I am waiting for RS232 to TTL convertor for GSM from Kiran electronics..As soon as it comes i will burn prgrm and let u knw.
By the way u dint get any error while building it is it?.Did u do any changes while building the progrm?

Thank you.

I want to take some training on building and compiling program for AVR MCU. Do you have any contact where i can get good training(Like crash weekend courses)

I searched some training centres, but i dont know how their training is.If you know some training center's please let me know.


I tried to compile the program but still getting errors.Can you please send the video of how you compile in Studio 6.

Please find the step wise screen shot which i followed. I think i am doing mistakes in doing initial setting of studio 6



I received USB to Seriial and TTL adapter from the link which you sent.I could able to connect to PC and check the AT commands.The GSM is working perfectly.Thank you.

Meanwhile can you compile the below sourced code for Atmega 8 and 16 Mhz crystal.I got the hex file for the below code,but they used 3.68Mhz crystal,where as my dev board has 16Mhz crystal.I tried to complie in Studio 4 and 6 , but i am unable to get the libraries and initial setting in the IDE.(The details of the below code can also be seen in the link
Source code
'copyright : (c) 2012,
'purpose : GSM based Hme security system
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 3686400 'crystal value
$baud = 9600 'baud rate

$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 64
$framesize = 64

Config Portc.3 = Output
Config Portc.2 = Output
Config Portc.1 = Output
Config Portc.0 = Output

Config Portb.1 = Output
Config Portb.0 = Output

Config Pind.3 = Input
Config Pind.7 = Input
Config Pinb.3 = Input
Config Pinb.4 = Input

Declare Sub Getline 'get data from gsm modem
Declare Sub Send_sms 'send sms
Declare Sub Sms_check ' reading sms
Declare Sub Read1820 'reading temperature sensor

Config 1wire = Portb.2

Led1 Alias Portc.0 'led indicators
Led2 Alias Portc.1
Led3 Alias Portc.2
Led4 Alias Portc.3

Rled Alias Portb.1
Gled Alias Portb.0

Pir Alias Pind.7

Mag1 Alias Pinb.3 'magnetic sensor 1
Mag2 Alias Pinb.4 'magnetic sensor 2

Jumper Alias Pind.3


Dim Number As Eram String * 13 At 10

'Temp variables
Dim Bd1 As Byte
Dim Bd2 As Byte
Dim Bd7 As Byte
Dim Bd8 As Byte

Dim I As Byte , Tmp As Byte
Dim T As Integer , T1 As Integer
Dim Bd(9) As Byte
'------------ Variables and constants for GSM --------------------------------- ------
Dim Num As String * 80
Dim Msg As String * 100
Dim Inmsg As String * 100
Dim Gstmp As Byte
Dim Ar(10) As String * 20
Dim Sender As String * 25
Dim Engine As Byte
Dim Alarms As Byte
Dim Icnt As Byte
Dim A_armed As Byte
Dim Gps As Byte
Dim Stmp As Byte
Dim Pass_stored As String * 13
Dim Tem1 As Bit
Dim Tem2 As Bit
Dim Tem3 As Bit
Dim Tem4 As Bit

Pass_stored = Number
'Print Pass_stored
Set Pir

Set Led1
Set Led2
Set Led3
Set Led4
Reset Tem1
Reset Tem2
Reset Tem3
Reset Tem4

Wait 1

Reset Led1
Reset Led2
Reset Led3
Reset Led4

Rled = 1
Gled = 0

Stmp = 100
A_armed = 0

Wait 25 ' give some time for gsm modem
' give some time for gsm modem

Print "AT"
Wait 2
Print "AT+CMGD=1"
Wait 2
Print "AT+CREG?"
Wait 2
Print "ATE0"
Wait 2
Print "AT+CNMI=1,1,0,0,0" 'new message indication off
Wait 2 'Third command TEXT MODE
Print "AT+CMGF=1"
Wait 2
'Print #2 , "AT+CSQ" 'signal strength
'Wait 2

Rled = 0
Gled = 1

1wwrite &HCC : 1wwrite &H44 ' start measure
Waitms 400 ' wait for end of conversion

If Jumper = 0 Then
Rled = 0
Gled = 1

Print "AT"
Wait 2
Print "AT+CMGF=1" 'change to text mode
Wait 2
Print "AT+CMGR=1" ' get the message
If Inmsg <> "OK" Then
Rled = 1
Gled = 0
Num = Inmsg
Gps = Split(num , Ar(1) , ",")
Num = Ar(2)
Gps = Len(num)
Gps = Gps - 2
Num = Mid(num , 2 , Gps)

Inmsg = Lcase(inmsg)

If Inmsg = "microcontroller" Then 'other numbers
Pass_stored = Num
Number = Pass_stored
Msg = "Number Stored"
Exit Do
End If
Wait 2
Print "AT+CMGD=1"
Wait 3
Rled = 0
Gled = 1
End If
Wait 5

Rled = 1
Gled = 0
Wait 2

End If

1wwrite &HCC : 1wwrite &H44 ' start measure
Waitms 400 ' wait for end of conversion

Gled = 0
Waitms 500
Gled = 1

Gled = 0
Waitms 500
Gled = 1

If Pir = 0 Then
Set Led1
If Tem1 = 0 Then
Num = Pass_stored
Msg = "Motion Detected"
Set Tem1
End If
Reset Led1
Reset Tem1
End If

If Mag1 = 1 Then
Set Led2
If Tem2 = 0 Then
Num = Pass_stored
Msg = "Sensor 1 Failed"
Set Tem2
End If
Reset Led2
Reset Tem2
End If

If Mag2 = 1 Then
Set Led3
If Tem3 = 0 Then
Num = Pass_stored
Msg = "Sensor 2 Failed"
Set Tem3
End If
Reset Led3
Reset Tem3
End If

If T1 > 45 Then
Set Led4
If Tem4 = 0 Then
Num = Pass_stored
Msg = "Temperature High: " + Str(t1) + " deg"
Set Tem4
End If
Reset Led4
Reset Tem4
End If
' Print T1


Sub Send_sms
Rled = 1
Wait 3
Print "AT+CMGS=" ; Chr(34) ; Num ; Chr(34) 'send sms
Waitms 200
Print Msg ; Chr(26)
Wait 5
Print "AT"
Wait 2
Rled = 0
End Sub
' Read gsm modem
Sub Getline
Inmsg = ""
Gps = Inkey()
If Gps > 0 Then
Select Case Gps
Case 13 : If Inmsg <> "" Then Exit Do ' if we have received something
Case 10 : If Inmsg <> "" Then Exit Do ' if we have received something
Case Else
Inmsg = Inmsg + Chr(gps) ' build string
End Select
End If

End Sub
' Read ds1820
Sub Read1820 ' reads sensor ans calculate ' T for 0.1 C
1wreset ' reset the bus
1wwrite &HCC ' read internal RAM
1wwrite &HBE ' read 9 data bytest
Bd(1) = 1wread(9)
Bd1 = Bd(1)
Bd2 = Bd(2)
Bd7 = Bd(7)
Bd8 = Bd(8)
' read bytes in array
1wreset ' reset the bus
Tmp = Bd1 And 1
If Tmp = 1 Then Decr Bd1 ' 0.1C precision
T = Bd1
T = T * 50
T = T - 25
T1 = Bd8 - Bd7
T1 = T1 * 100
T1 = T1 / Bd8
T = T + T1
T1 = T / 100 'store tens
T = T Mod 100 'store decimal number
' Cls
' Locate 1 , 3
' Lcd "Temperature"
' Locate 2 , 7
' Lcd T1 ; "." ; T
End Sub


oh ok...

For the above code I have hex file for Atmega 8 and 3.68 Mhz crystal .Can i use the same code with Atmega 8 and 16 Mhz crystal dev board.? Or should i replace the 16Mhz Crystal with 3.68Mhz in the a Atmega 8 dev board and use the hex file.? Please let me know.

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