grounding my project (bicycle power source)

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Newbie level 5
Apr 2, 2008
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grounding my project


I currently have a set up where I have attached a permanant magnet dc motor to a bicycle. The motor is attached through a diode to a 12v regulator and then to a 12v to 240v inverter. Everything works fine and I can power up my devices. I also have a lead acid battery as a back up source.

Everything is now mounted in a metal box ( apart from the motor which is on the bicycle). Please can someone help me on how to ground this case?

I know this may seem a bit basic but I am in the learning process still, so any help will be appreciated.


Re: grounding my project

connect the metal case to the spokes of your bicycle.

Re: grounding my project

Thanks for your reply.

So I simply just get a big wire from the metal box and connect it to my wheel spokes. Do I need to worry about connecting any of the negative terminals of the battery and motor to the case as well? or are they ok on the circuit board?

Re: grounding my project

hey jus see the waay how the the circuits in cars r connected..
the ground is connectd to their metal cases u also try the same

Re: grounding my project

Thanks for you help. But I am still a little confused on to how to ground my metal project box. Can anyone give a little more information or guidance please?

Re: grounding my project

#1 - for the objects in the metal box. make sure the objects are insulated before placing it in the box. then connect the ground from each object to the box.

If you have a voltmeter, measure the potential of the ground of each object relative to the box. if it says zero, you are in good shape.

#2 - for the lead acid battery, or the objects not in the box. Measure the potential between the ground of the non-box object and the metal case.

if the pd is almost zero, you are fine.
if something comes up, you have a floating ground. then you would worry about grounding issues. you could consider connecting the non-object ground and the metal case to the spokes or a metallic object on your bike.

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