I was planning to use PLL 4046B IC who will be given power from Vdd = 5 VDC. I'm not used to PLL so much so my thinking was that it will generate a sinusoidal wave of same phase and frequency as input grid reference sample
"my thinking" ...
--> you should read the datasheet.. It generates logic output signal. Not sinusoidal.
A complete PLL (in my eyes) uses:
* a digital reference clock input
* a digital reference clock divider ( with ratio "D")
* a VCO
* a digital VCO clock divder (for the feedback, with ratio "M")
* a phase comparator
* an analog low pass filter.. to get an analog signal from digital phase_comparator output. This is the analog input for the VCO.
Then the PLL may generate frequencies. f_PLL = f_ref * M / D
the problem with a 50Hz input signal is, that the "update rate" for the phase comparator and filter is very low.
This may lead to following problems.
* bad line frequency tracking
* PLL frequency jitter
* PLL loop instability.
Therefore you need to carefully desing the analog filter.
I did something similar:
Instead of phase comparator I used the capture_periferal of a microcontroller.
Then I did the filter calculation in software
And used an DAC (* edited) to control the VCO anlog input.
The benefit is a more flexible filter design. (I find it more handy to change software than to solder filter components)
But before all that ... you need to know what you want to do with the PLL frequency and what freqeuncy you need.