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Grid Tie Inverter - open source project

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Advanced Member level 2
Advanced Member level 2
Jun 20, 2001
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i would like to join (or start) a Grid Tie Inverter open source project. does anyone know if there exists such a project? i could probably design such a thing myself but it would take me a long a$$ time, so i'm looking for more team members.


The circuit concept presented there seems curious to me.

Mr. Cool, do you have a specification for the project?

Mr.Cool said:
i would like to join (or start) a Grid Tie Inverter open source project. does anyone know if there exists such a project? i could probably design such a thing myself but it would take me a long a$$ time, so i'm looking for more team members.


Mr Cool,

If you could count me in. I'm willing to join. I'm doing a simple design of a transformerless inverter to be tied up to grid.

Just tell us the specifications of the project you want us to work with. And give us some topics to research as our contribution.



hi peeps.. sorry, couldn't get back sooner. work full time, school full time, reno house full time, involved in a lot of "extra curricular research" .... i'm working at 400% at least .. so why not add another project.


i'm interested in a grid-tied inverter project. open source as the title says. i like the idea of yahoo groups as it is better suited for this type of thing (area for folders, photos, links etc.) where this message board is good for messages and random, no organized linked attachments. obviously, a project like what we are dreaming up would need a better home - perhaps yahoo groups.

i took a quick look at the yahoo group. they have enthusiasm, but lack proper direction. they are jumping into design as a first step. why the rush?

personally, i think the order of events should go like this:
- define a block diagram
- define the TOP LEVEL requirements (i.e. voltage levels, frequency, power)
- do a LOT of research
* find similar products on the market.. how did they work? can you get schematics? can anyone upload photos of the inside? can we google search to find these answers?
- research each subsection to find IEEE papers, thesis, books that describe best practises for chosen system
- chose topology for each of the TOP LEVEL requirements
- re-draw the original block diagram to include the topology selection

.. now you have a rough concept.

now need discussion on grid-tie requirements. what are the IEEE standards, how does one meet these standards? perhaps most importantly, how does this influence your concept previously established?

.. now you are done the first step. paper design.

one person becomes the Design Lead for each sub-system and starts some analysis and simulation work. block diagram, system level and controls can all be done in Matlab/Simulink. need top level analysis such as power dissipation, estimated size, key parts identified (planer transformers? IGBT modules? etc.)

once each sub-system has some preliminary design work done.. we can combine it into an entire system to get the feel for what it would be like. how does each preliminary designed subsystem influence its neighbour? any new requirements derived from this relationship? are all the original goals still intact?

if we're happy.. we write down our Detailed requirements
we can then move to detailed design and detailed analysis. probably this will be done in PSpice.

then first draft of schematic is complete. we can review.


move to layout.

is this a rediculous plan? yes.. its WAY overkill.. but .. it will allow the opportunity for a LOT of education and experience. its a slower method, but its clear for everyone to follow. this approach is useful/appropriate for the more novice among us (pretty much everyone including me).

what are your thoughts? agree? comments? disagree?

i'm flexible here.


Added after 6 minutes:

by the way.. here is my motivation for this project:

**broken link removed**

Added after 24 minutes:

FvM - the schematic shown on the front page of the yahoo group has no chance in h#ll of working in a *realistic* inverter. this is what gives me apprehension of joining their group..

but.. looks like they are just starting out so no need to be overly critical. maybe we should just join them to make our lives easier. see how things go for now.

ya.. that sounds good.

well that was a bust.. guess i'll just build it myself.

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