GPS Tracker with bluetooth project.

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Member level 1
Apr 21, 2012
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Hello everybody,

Please i need your help regarding the following:

a GPS Tracker with bluetooth feature to discover nearby devices and monitor that on google map, with location, speed, and engine status, so anyone here knows about a development kit which have these two functions?, GPS and bluetooth, as the most products or schematics and kits i found while searching the internet had only the GPS features, or more such as GPRS/GSM which is not what i am looking for or don't need with my project, so please let me know if anyone here can help with that.

Having schematics, development kits with demo software, or any references to be a start for me to go forward executing that project,

I found GPS module only, and bluetooth only, what i need is both the features with one module and program that using programming language"which is also im asking about the best which work with that?".

i will appreciate any replies as it's urgent with me,
Thanks for everybody.

Bluetooth has a typical communication range of only around 10 feet, while a GPS device will tell you where on the globe you are.
Its not clear what you want to achieve by combining these two ?

The GPRS/ GSM is what allows GPS device data to be sent to some distant location for integration into google maps/ whatever.

Thanks Kripacharya for your reply,

I mentioned what i need the buletooth feature for in my previous posting, but no problem, here is it more clear

i need the device to discover the devices with buletooth which are close to it, like the cell phones, so any suggestion?

Anybody here can help with my post?

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