gps integration with PSOC

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Newbie level 5
Nov 21, 2010
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hi everyone,
i have a skylab skm53 gps module and i need to save its data using psoc and i am stuck can anyone please help

Hello Tito,

I am not much aware of GPS modules, but I know PSoC very well.
Can you please let me know what communication interface you are using to talk to GPS?


thanks for your concern i am using UART i need to save the occurrence of data after the beginning of a command which is basically $GPGAA and send it to a mobile by a gsm module

Hello Tito,

So, you have PSoC getting data from PC through UART and then transferring the same to a GSM module, right? How is the PSoC going to talk to the GSM module? I mean, is it a standard communication protocol like SPI/I2C/UART? Again, let me re-iterate that I dont know much about GSM modules, so, I dont know what communication interafce they use to talk to microcontrollers


actually both the gsm and gps use UART protocols. my problem is that when i save the data from gps into an array and try to send them using GSM all i get are some weird symbols. the baud rate of the GSM is 19200 and that of the gps is 9600
Thanks again for your reply Anitha

first you should check the start of the message you need to store

this is done by activating a RX8 or UART_RX interrupt
then using any UART receive function from the data sheet you can check the received letters
when you detect the right letter increment a certain variable (example GPS_right)
if you need to detect several letters then you must detect them one by one until you get them all right (every time you will increment the GPS_right till you get them right or start all over again)
then start storing the needed charachters afterthat, if you need N charachters the define a global array with dimension N
then increment another variable (example GPS_received)
then finish the UART_RX or RX9 interrupt

then you return to your main code and send them using GSM module
my problem is that i am using a GSM module also, with a different baud rate than that of the GPS

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