good idea of computer systems

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hi.there are lot of points which you should care about them.some of devise are on board and you cant upgrade them and some of new devise cant config with the old motherboard.

What is your requirements ? what do you do by your system ? finance , accounting , animation design , gaming ?

Should I upgrade my computer or just buy a new one?

It depends on answer to the question. why you want to buy a new computer and the current configuration of your computer?

well, how long have you bought this PC, I think a computer can be used for at least 4 years

Outsourcing is a reality for IT workers but that does not mean that there are any jobs left. As my husband and many of his co workers near retirement there are many job openings available. He is training his replacement now. She is a newbie college graduate.

So true! I am using mine daily for more than 5 years. Just have to clean dust and restart OS time to time

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