Goldengate simulator in Cadence

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Full Member level 2
Aug 18, 2010
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Dear all

I want to use Goldengate simulator in Cadence. I will appreciate if you can suggest me a step by step tutorial for this case.


I want to use Goldengate simulator in Cadence.
I can't understand what you want to mean at all.
Use correct terminologies.

See "ggUserTraining" directory.
Agilent GoldenGate simulator is launched from Cadence ADE just sames as "hspiceD", "ADSsim", "spectre", etc.
Currently there is no method except for this.

BTW, we could use GoldenGate simulator from OrCad's Design Framework in early days of Xpedion GoldenGate.

The Designer's Guide Community Forum - Cost of Agilent GoldenGate License
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Thanks for reply.
You are right, I meant launching GoldenGate simulator from Cadence.
My problem now is how to run an optimization task using GoldenGate simulator.
I know how to do it, but when I run my optimization, it is just using one optimization variable and not all of variables to reach the goal and of course the goal is not satisfied in this way.

Here is the problem:
Optimized variables: Vgs, Vds and gate width
Goal: Id (drain current)= say 20 uA

Running this optimization, only gate width is optimized to its max value but Vgs and Vds stay at their nominal value.

Is this common in GoldenGate? I mean is this the problem of GoldenGate or my settings?
Previously I have done optimization in ADS and it was very easy and effective. But no luck using GoldenGate.

By the way where I can see "ggUserTraining"?

Again thank you for prompt response.

I meant launching GoldenGate simulator from Cadence.
Still wrong.
There is no tool which name is Cadence.
There is also no tool which name is Agilent, Synopsys, Mentor, Magma, Silvaco, etc.
Use correct terminologies.

Running this optimization, only gate width is optimized to its max value but Vgs and Vds stay at their nominal value.
Do you surely set Vgs and Vds as variables for optimization and choose them for optimization ?
Show me "*.gg" netlist.
Here I don't request "*.gpp" netlist.

By the way where I can see "ggUserTraining"?
Who installed "GoldenGate" ?
Have a contact with person who installed "GoldenGate".
But there is no example for optimization in "ggUserTraining".

BTW, what version of GoldenGate do you use ?
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Thanks for reply

Yes, I set Vgs and Vds for optimization.
I tried to upload the *.gg netlist but couldn't. It keeps saying "invalid file".
Maybe I can email it to you.

We are using 4.4.9 version of GoldenGate and I found userguides. Thank you anyway.

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