glitch in the output of digital logic

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Full Member level 3
Nov 7, 2008
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glitch digital logic


I've just simulated a folding & interpolating ADC and found a glitch around 0.5 V after an EX-OR logic in my digital part. In the attachment, V(c07) and V(c23) are the input and V(out_07_23) is the output of EX-OR. As you can see in waveform, there is a glitch of 0.5 V(at time 0.3 us) of the output of EX-OR.I'm wondering how this happened because both the inputs travel at the same speed. How to get rid of this problem? I've been working on this since two days.

basics of glitch + digital logic

It is very hard to tell u from the w/f's u have posted.
Post ur schematic of circuit on ehich u r working.
Must be a ground related issue.
Just check the voltage bet'n main ground & the Analog ground of ADC.
Analog & digital gnd must be different.


For the digital logic, you can not assume they are travelling at same speed: process variation, state dependent delay, and so on.

To remove those gritches, you may:
1) Change the method to generate the input signals.
For example, some gray coded counter may help.
2) You may add one latch after the logic.==> idea of sync circuit design.
3) Add enough delay for one of the input. (last solution.)

Hope helpful.


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Hi mandar,

Thanks very much for willing to helpm me.
I wanted to post the schematic but is is too large and may not helpful in solving that problem. Do you have LTSpice? I'll post it if u have so that you can simulate and see yourself more glitches after the digital logic. About the gnd, i think it is integrated in the EX-OR block because i took that directly from LTSpice library. See attachment.

Hi Kickbeer,
Sorry to say but i dont have LTspice & dont know much abt it.
I am not able to understand how ur dealing with ur ckt?
Which ADC u r using?

mandar_mahajan said:
Hi Kickbeer,
Sorry to say but i dont have LTspice & dont know much abt it.
I am not able to understand how ur dealing with ur ckt?
Which ADC u r using?

LTSpice is a free software form linear technology and it is very easy to use. You can download it from here:

Once you downloaded you can directly run my ADC if you want. Anyway i'm using 8-bit Folding and Interpolating ADC.

I am guessing that with the dual outputs, these are a
CML or SCL logic family.

What I see is that the common-mode voltage of the
two logic inputs you show, is jerked abruptly at a couple
of timepoints. This to me is abnormal and I think maybe
you have some misdefined input signals that are
jacking these gates' operating point (hence timing
and output drive / levels) around.


    Points: 2
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