GLCD 128x64 with pic18f4550 help required

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Oct 9, 2014
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hello! i need to display simple character on glcd using mplab im tering last 2 weeks ..but nothing happens..plz anyone can send me corect code..simple to display character coming from serial port..thankx in advance

hello! i need to display simple character on glcd using mplab

Hi aaddi,

Indeed, there is huge difference between GLCD and Alphanumeric LCD. If you want to display only characters then I will strongly recommend you to use Alphanumeric LCD rather than GLCD. In GLCD you can display images only. Even you are displaying Characters then you have generate pixel information of each character and treat as a Image.

Like in 128x64 you have two 64x64 + 64x64 pages of pixel matrix and you can switch in between according to the image size and requirements, the controller is totally changed. My advise is ... if you are using for displaying character then use character LCD ...


Indeed it's easier with a character LCD, but for another point of view, character LCD looks very much
outdated and (well, that's a matter of taste) it's ugly.

Now to answer the original question:
If it's a 128 x 64, I guess it's monochrome 1-bit LCD, right?
Usually all the 1-bit controller don't display 1 pixel, but 8 pixels at one, and these pixels are displayed
vertically. So if you keep writing the same byte, you will get horizontal lines depending on the byte value.
Example: if you write 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, you will get:
where _ is a blank and * a black pixel.
Now if you want to write a A, same method:
In this example, you have to write:
0x78, 0x14, 0x12, 0x14, 0x78, 0x00, the last 0 being a space before the next letter.
Therefore what you have to do first is to find an alphabet,
write a function to write a char, then a string, etc...

And of course, the big advantage is that you can draw icons without any limitation except
your CPU flash.

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