Hopefully I'm not patronizing in my interpretation of the question, but I believe I can answer this. The answer is no. This is because a confidence interval is a function of a particular sample from a population. So, different samples taken from the same population can have different confidence intervals.
However, given a description of a distribution, I believe it is possible to find equations which would determine the confidence interval corresponding to a sample from a population assumed to have the said distribution.
In other words:
Distribution ===> Confidence interval
doesn't have enough information.
Assumed Distribution ===> Hard math work
/\ ||
|| \/
Population ===> Sample ===> Equations ===> Confidence interval
I think describes my understanding of what has to happen to get a confidence interval. Perhaps there is a little too much magic in the "Hard math work" step, but I think this answers the question-as-asked. If anyone statistics guru disagrees, they can blast me into space but, I'd prefer a more gentle correction