gm v/s id curve
Ordinary Spice, even commercial, shows only currents and voltages in DC sweep analysis. Plotting gm over Id curves is very easy when you have Spice3/Nutmeg simulator. There is a very reliable SpiceOPUS, a modern investigation of the Spice3/Nutmeg -- just find it in the Internet. It is an interesting project at the University of Ljubliana, Slovenia.
The code may look like here:
save @mn[id] @mn[gm]
foreach voltage -4 -3 -2 -1 0
alter vbs = $voltage
dc vgs $Vmin $Vmax $Delta
let gmid = @mn[gm] / @mn[id]
plot all.gmid xlabel 'Vgs [V]'
+ylabel 'gm/Id [S/A] for Vbs = -4, -3, -2, -1, 0V'