Generation of 4.5Kv with tv flyback???

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Newbie level 2
Feb 12, 2008
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I want to generate 4.5KV 50mA from Flyback. I have 12VDC supply and i m using PIC16F877A with 2 FETs and simple step up transformer to do that. But it has lot of problems i.e. Low voltage o/p + large size + higher cost.
So i decided to use flyback. i have no previous experience with flyback. i m a pic hobbiest. Now can any one suggest me which flyback to use and if any body has diagram for it or any suggestion to generate 4.5KV 50mA. (I can increase supply voltages from 12VDC to 110VDC or 220VDC)

Thanks in advance.

4.5 kV * 50 mA = 225 W is an order of magnitude above usual TV anode power ratings. You have to design a special
HV-transformer anyway. For the intended power range, a push-pull converter seems more suitable. A higher input
supply voltage is recommended unless you have 20 - 30 A @ 12V available. Voltage multiplying cascade rectifiers
are most likely the best way to keep the transformer output voltage and respective isolation requirements low.

An automotive ignition coil (especially a performance
one) will be able to give you a lot more punch than a TV
flyback, though at greater volume / weight.

You need a switch device that can stand being avalanched
if the load doesn't take the current as expected. The breakdown
of the switch device can limit the output voltage, TV flyback
transistors are very high breakdown and usually pretty
low beta as a result, so be sure the PIC output is not also
a limiter (starving the switch device).

Why do you need a microcontroller to make an arc?

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