Generate Hspice Netlist from Cadence

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Apr 18, 2004
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hspice netlist

Do anyone knows how to generate Hspice netlist from Cadence? Thanks in Advance!

cadence netlist


at CIW
File -> Export -> CDL

at CDL Out Run Form
Library Browser -> cell -> view(schematic)
(where your schematic is located.)

generate hspice netlist from cadence

Thanks for your kindly reply, and this method really works. But how can cadence knows that I want to generate hspice netlist files, not the other simulators?

Also, after I have generate the files, the MOSFETs in the netlist are only in the name of its cell names, but without any model informations. How can I make cadence change the name of the MOSFETs into its model names?

For example, my cell name are nmos, using model "modeln". However in the netlist the MOSFETs model name are specified as NMOS instead of modeln. Because I will include the model file in the hspice netlist, the only thing I need to do is to change the name from NMOS to modeln. Is it possible to do that automatically with Cadence?

generate hspice netlist in cadence

1. For "modeln" model name, you can edit the mos device's object property. Put the "modeln" to the "Model name" field.
2. For generated a hspice netlist, you can invoke the "Analog Environment" by "Tool->Analog Environment".
. Set the simulator to "hspiceS" or "hspiceD"
. run "Simulation->Netlist->Create", if you set the simulator to "hspiceD"
or, run "Simulation->Netlist->Create Final", if you set the simulator to "hspiceS"

cadence spice netlist

You could Find the "Setup" menu in Analog design Environment ---> Setup--->Simulator/Directory/.. --->Simulator --->Select HspiceS
OK, After that ,you could generate the HSPICE netlist from: Simulation--->netlist----> Creat final

netlist mosfet

Thanks all, and what's the difference between simulator hspiceS and hspiceD?

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