GDSII to FRAM view generation with Milkyway : issue Power/Ground port definition.

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Junior Member level 3
Aug 9, 2012
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Hi !!

I have an issue when I want to define the Power/Ground Port in the CEL view, before doing the BPV (Blockage, Pin, Vias) with Milkyway or ICC.

Milkyway> set_attribute [get_ports vdd] port_type "Power"
Milkyway> set_attribute [get_ports vss] port_type "Ground"
Warning: No port objects matched 'vdd' (SEL-004)
Warning: no object specified for set attribute on (MWUI-203)
Warning: No port objects matched 'vss' (SEL-004)
Warning: no object specified for set attribute on (MWUI-203)

Some more explanation :
-Step : layout.oa -> layout.gds is GOOD (done through Cadence, File/Export/Stream from layout.oa)
-Step : layout.gds -> CEL view is GOOD (through ICC viewer I can see the M1 pin layer for vdd/vss)
-Step : from CEL to FRAM view, i cannot define the Power/Ground Port (cf. error).

Launch of milkyway :
/milkyway/test> /home/xxx/G-2012.06-SP4_milkyway/bin/AMD.64/Milkyway

Milkyway> source script_flow_mw.tcl

script_flow_mw.tcl :

# Milkyway Physical Views Generation from .gds to FRAM

puts "########################################################################"
puts "######################## Begin of Milkyway Flow ########################"
puts "########################################################################"

# User inputs

set working_dir "xxx/dp_st_cmos040lp_241/milkyway/test"
set techno_file "xxx/COMMON/"
set library_name "$working_dir/library_mw_test"
set cell_name "test_iv_LayoutToCEL"
set gds_input_file "xxx/milkyway/test/cp_library_st40_test_for_place_and_route/test_iv_LayoutToCEL/test_iv_LayoutToCEL.gds"
set techno_file_mapping "$working_dir/techno_file_mapping.txt"

puts "\n########################################################################"
puts "######################## user inputs : ########################"
puts "########################################################################"
puts "working_dir : $working_dir
techno_file : $techno_file
library_name : $library_name
cell_name : $cell_name
gds_input_file : $gds_input_file"
puts "########################################################################"

# Library creation with matching techno_file

puts "\n########################################################################"
puts "######################## Step Library creation with matching techno_file. ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

dbSetMsgLevel "high"
set mw_use_layer_enhancement true
create_mw_lib -technology $techno_file $library_name

puts "\n--------------------------------------------------"
puts "Library creation with matching techno_file DONE."
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

# gds to CEL generation

puts "\n######################################################################"
puts "######################## gds to CEL generation. ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

read_gds -lib_name $library_name -layer_mapping $techno_file_mapping $gds_input_file <= HERE Warning: Layer 'pin_M1' is missing the attribute 'minSpacing'. (line 4940) (TFCHK-014)
Warning: Layer 'pin_M1' is missing the attribute 'minWidth'. (line 4940) (TFCHK-014)

puts "\n--------------------------------------------------"
puts "gds to CEL generation DONE."
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

# Power and ground Identification Functions

puts "\n######################################################################"
puts "######################## Power and ground Identification. ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

open_mw_lib $library_name
open_mw_cel $cell_name
set_attribute [get_ports vdd] port_type "Power" <= Issue here : Warning: No port objects matched 'vdd' (SEL-004)
set_attribute [get_ports vss] port_type "Ground"
save_mw_cel $cell_name
close_mw_cel $cell_name
close_mw_lib $library_name

puts "--------------------------------------------------"
puts "Power and ground Identification DONE."
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

# Flatten cell operation

puts "\n#######################################################################"
puts "######################## Flatten cell operation ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

flatten_cell -library $library_name -cell $cell_name

puts "\n--------------------------------------------------"
puts "Flatten cell operation DONE.\n"
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

# Check library Physical info

puts "\n#######################################################################"
puts "######################## Check library Physical info ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

set_check_library_physical_options -all
check_library -mw_lib_name $library_name

puts "\n--------------------------------------------------"
puts "Check library Physical info DONE.\n"
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

puts "\nEnd of Milkyway Flow\n"

Can someone please help me ? I mean, is it working this FRAM view generation with a .gds as input (and not a Cadence LEF file as input) ?



Hello !!

Does someone has already done a "from scratch Physical Library Preparation Flow" ?

I am wondering why I cannot define the "layer pin M1 vdd/vss" I have in the CEL as Power/Ground port ? indeed, once I have created the CEL view, a get_ports or get_pins command doesn't return anything.

Then I am trying the command :
Milkyway> dbSetCellPortTypes $library_name $cell_name '(("vdd" "Inout" "Power" ) ("vss" "Inout" "Ground" )) #f
Syntax: dbSetCellPortTypes libName cellName portList append?

But I have a syntaxe issue and no way to find it out.

Thanking in anticipation !!


- - - Updated - - -

Plus, I have :

Milkyway> report_mw_cel
The library information(library_mw_test):

0 metal layer(s) defined in the library.
No tiles defined in the tech file.
Wire tracks defined for all metal layers: #t

======== Report for design: test_iv_LayoutToCEL ========

Port Definitions:
Port Type(s)
-------------- --------------

Cell Type:
(CEL) Standard Cell

FRAM view exists: #f

Cell Boundary Height:
PR Boundary Height:
Cell Boundary Width:
PR Boundary Width:

TIM view exists: #f

Logic Model Subtype:
(CEL) Unknown Model
====== End report for design: test_iv_LayoutToCEL ======

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