Gathering stuff for my first PIC Project

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Newbie level 3
Sep 18, 2012
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Hey ,
So I finally waded through tonnes of documentation and I think (hope) that I'm ready to start working on my USB mp3 project using the PIC24FJ64GB004.

I went to the microchip site (I cant find any local suppliers) and the development board (explorer) is **** expensive (I'm a student)... So I am wondering whether someone can tell me exactly what I need to program it.

For my previous projects I used locally made inexpensive development boards (for 8051 and atmgega). Are there any boards like that I can buy or circuits I can get made?

I saw something called a PICKIT 3 programmer. So you have to get it AND the Explorer or one of them will do ? Also, is it better or worse than the other programmers ?

The IC I'm using is QFN package ... So do they provide a plug in module that goes on the dev board or do I have to buy that separately ?

I hate that proteus doesnt support this IC :/ Or has a new library been added ? I couldnt find it.

There are just so many parts out there, I'm really confused.


The PIC24FJ64GB004 is also available in TQFP package, and that is what is used on the plug-in module for the Explorer 16 motherboard.

If you don't need all the facilities of the Explorer 16 motherboard, you could just buy the module (part number MA240019) and make your own motherboard to your requirements. The Explorer 16 board does not come with the chip you want - it comes with a module for the PIC24FJ64GA004. So you would have to buy the extra module anyway.

The explorer board needs a programmer, unless you buy the Explorer 16 Starter Kit full package which is even more money.

For programming it, you could use a PICKIT 2 with the separate (free) programming application, but there will be no debugging support because Microchip hasn't added support for that in MPLAB (they would rather you buy the newer PICKIT 3 of course). Or, I think an ICD-2 (again, the older version of the ICD) is supported in MPLAB with this chip with debugging support. Both of these programmers can be had as cheap-ish clones on ebay, or sometimes as second hand real ones.

Personally though, if you are likely to do anything else with PICs, I would recommend buying a PICKIT 3.
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Try mikroElektonika Development boards. Check the mikroe website.

I like the idea of making my own motherboard... one question though.. I cant find the pin connects for PICKIT and the pic24F .. I found one for 18F, but the post also says "quick and dirty" which hardly inspires confidence

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