[SOLVED] Gate driving IC for P-channel MOSFET IRF 4905

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Re: Gate driving IC for P chanel MOSFET IRF 4905


a bit more information is needed what you want to do with that circuit. What current do you expect, what PWM frequency, what PWM duty cycle range?

It seems it is 5V powered. Do you want to charge the battery marked with "2V".

There is no current limiting device. I recommend to use it. Or a fast current measurement with fast switch OFF at overcurrent.
An inductor for defined current rise and as energy storage.

The V_GS_on is a bit high. You risk to come in the linear region of the FET, causing high power dissipation and maybe burn the FET.


Re: Gate driving IC for P chanel MOSFET IRF 4905

Am attaching another Fig which will show what actually I am trying
PWM Duty will vary according to the voltage across solar panel and battery being charged. The cycle is 1Khz
I will add current limiting circuit
VGS according to Data Sheet is +/- 20 and am limiting gate voltage around 19 volt +/-

My Question is will it work? As I assume that the voltage across panel will not drop with varying duty of pwm but the voltage across battery will drop or may go higher accordingly
2nd if PNP transistor which I am using is correct or I may use a N Chanel FET insted configured as low side driven mode having a gate driver like TC 4420 to prevent pic microcontroler


Re: Gate driving IC for P chanel MOSFET IRF 4905


for low current it will work. At least it seems so.

The switch OFF is rather slow. This causes increased power dissipation in FET.

The TC4420 will make switching faster with decreased power loss.

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