Gas sensor / Smoke detector module GH-312 or SEN-1327

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Newbie level 4
Feb 12, 2013
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1. GH-312 sensor which contains MQ-2 sensor (It has 3 pin = +, OUT, - )

2. SEN-1327 LPG Gas Sensor Module which contains MQ-6 sensor
(It has 4 pin= OUT, ANG, 5V, GND )

I do not find any datasheet for these gas sensor module. or MQ-2 and MQ-6 sensor. Would anyone please help me to find the datasheet. Or any suitable website which will help me to solve this problem. Or any necessary suggestion which you want to tell me.
I want to connect it to pic16f877a

I have a similar sensor with MQ-6 LPG Sensor. It has 4 pins. +5V, GND, Dout, Aout. Dout can be interfaced to Digital input pin of uC and monitored. If there is a fas leak then Dout becomes high. Threshold can be set by using the preset. Aout gives analog out. It can be interfaced to ADC input and can be used to monitor different levels of gas leak.

You can connect the Dout and Aout pins directly to PIC16F877A. Both your uC and gas sensor boards work at 5V.
- - - Updated - - -

if you want to get only 2 options gas leaked or not.
connect + to VCC(5v)
connect - to GND(0v)
and connect OUT to LED in series with resistor.
Take a lighter turn on the lighter and blow off flame with hand only but dont remove the pressed switch of lighter
(I mean to say that flame should not be there but it should emit gas)
feed this gas to gas sensor it LED will be ON
if you take away lighter LED will be OFF
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can u pleasse upload the circuit diagram?

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