For this question, please reference the datasheet for the Nitronex NPTB00025. Freq of interest is 3 GHz.
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On page 4 of the datasheet, Nitronex provides the geometries of the microstrip impedance mathing network. Using AWR's txline program, I calculated that the 265 mil x 441 mil trace is 18.2 ohms with an electrical length of 71 degrees. The impedance that should be presented to the output is 7.4 - j5.8 (see page 2 of datasheet).
This does not appear to be a quarter-wave transformer, being that the electrical length is not 90 degrees -- 600 mil would be about 90 degrees. And my understanding is that you need to get to the real axis on the Smith chart before implementing a QWT anyway.
So what is the effect of this 265x441 mil trace on the Smith Chart? Note that there is a similar trace implemented on the input side of the GaN amp.