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gambling machine, dices could be controlled

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Full Member level 1
Jan 9, 2005
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I have ever seen a gambling machine, that dices could be controled by the machine.
It means the machine could decide the result after throwing dices.
Do you know how it work?
How to make it?


ask again, appreciated

I donot know exactly how can that work but simplest possible thing is the dices are having magnets or electromagnets(electromagnets can be switched on or off remotely).

And now in table they have again the same configuration so as we have seen in stepper motors in reset position the teeths are aligned... so can think some what in this manner.........

if something new struck in my mind i will post here

But, the dice has 6 faces.
How to use magnet to decide which dice toward upside?

the things are very complicated but my imagination are limited:

this time i can think that each side is having a electromagnet, which can be switched on or off according to will.

Hi, Do not think to complicated since life is more simple !. Why not a tuned network (LC) on all the sides tuned for different frequencies !. Now you only need to apply the correct frequency to the table LC antenna :)..


I repeat my question again.

I have ever seen a gambling machine in casino when I was a child.
This gambling machine is trick, dices result could be decided BEFORE throwing.
It means the dices could be decided which side is up by computer, gambling machine.

I have ever seen a special and accident situation that the dices (5 dices) rolling down on the flat table, one of dices reserves to opposite side, such as 1 to 6.

It seems that the dices were controlled by magnetic material.
But, I wonder magnet only has North and south pole, how to use its principle to control dice that has 6 faces.

Hi, Do not think to complicated since life is more simple !. Why not a tuned network (LC) on all the sides tuned for different frequencies !. Now you only need to apply the correct frequency to the table LC antenna ..

suppose i want to stop at my dice at 3 and that was decided before throwing then how your LC antenna will work

it is easy to turn on and off tiny electromagnets in the dice with some RFID or RF approach.

Hi, All six sides of the dice get an LC network. All networks are tuned to different frequencies. If the table has an large LC antenna (like in RFID) and you apply the frequencie of side (1) than only a field is generated in this LC network, all others are zero. This field will be opposite the direction of the table LC antenna and they will get closer and closer etc...

Maybe the system is even more simple than I think !!..
I have seen it also in the past and I am trying to remember how it worked, I thought that the above explanaition was correct.


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