S21 is the ratio (output port voltage)/(input port voltage) and I agree this seems like the definition of voltage gain. But the voltage at the input port is not the voltage coming from the source.
There is also the definition |s21|²=(power delivered to load)/(power available from source). From this definition I get S21=2*Vgain. I show this in the attachment
The question came up in this post also
I am not sure my reasoning is correct. Can someone confirm before I go to an interview and am wrong?
If LNA's load impedance is equal to the s-parameters reference impedance i.e. Γ(load)=0 then voltage gain is equal to Volt gain = S21/(1+S11)
which is reduces to Volt gain = S21 if LNA is perfectly matched at input.
But in your case minimum voltage gain is obtained when LNA is badly matched (S11 ≈1) and equal to S21 / 2 ≈ 4 dB = 1.58.