full wave rectifier
In itself its not much of a problem ,i builded this before aswell discrete (transistors),with comperators as with IRF chipsets .
Elektor published a schema a few years ago but i didnt like it cause it used 2 p-mosfets (adding dissapation).
(Power MOSFET Bridge Rectifier-Published in issue 356, July 2006)
(little edit the elektor schema i mentioned is the one you posted (i dont like that one)
Most simple solution is get some IR1166 of 1167 and build what they present in this paper .
When you have a look at the signals in this paper its clear you can easily do this with simple comperators like lm393 + gatedrivers or even BC transistors building emmiter coupled schmitt triggers .
(i tryed all these versions and the difference in efficiency is neglectable)
Personaly i prefer the comperator version for low partcount and ease of getting components .
Take a transformer with middletap ,this way you can use 2 nmos and take the gatevoltage + supplyvoltage for the comperators etc. from the middletap .
My prototypes managed 30 Amperes at a loss of 1,2 Watt's in the mosfets (0,58 in every mosfet .
Its definetly the way to go for big amperes at low loss .
Good luck