Full adder using 2 XOR, 2 NAND and 1 OR gates

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Burning Lung

Newbie level 4
Nov 26, 2012
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So, just lerned about half-adder and Full-adder and got some homework on them. I got verything else vry easyly, but this one just wont seem to work for me! I've been working on it for 3 days now, and can't seem to figure out a way my self... Tried google search and still nothing... I really don't know what else to do...
I'm not looking for a done job, I really want to understand this and find my missing link, so any help is really upreachiated!
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It's 5 gates in total, 2 NOR, 2 NAND and 1 OR. We have to use all of them.

Sory, wrong gates. 2 Xor, 2 NAND and one Or! No nor shall be used!

u can build full adder with 2 XOR, 2 NAND & 1 NOR

I Know that, that's the way the book has it, and I have managed to get it with 2 XOR and 3 NAND too, but I can't seem to get it the way the teacher asked for it...

So after speaking with the teacher, he said that he meant 2 and gates, he wrote it wrong... So there is actually no solution!

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