Fujitsu Debugger Accemic-Softune

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Junior Member level 1
Jan 23, 2002
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fujitsu debugger

hi guy !!
I just start to work with Fujitsu MB90F546G
using Softune Workbench V3.3 but I have not been able
to debug my firmware with monitor debugger !!!!
There is anyone that could help me ????

Furthermore i have a licensed full version of Accemic MDE Debugger
the software license could be exported to another PC
When installing MDE for the firt time, it run in demo mode
it is possible importing license by another PC that have a full
licensed installed.
After Transfer of license file from a PC to another by Floppy,
MDE disable the full functionality in the first PC that have the full version installed. I have try to bakup some directory like Windows, Windows\system and installed directory of MDE , but the program recognise this, and rieturn in demo mode.
How Can I do this procedures without loosing the full version , in both PC.
thanks a lot
please where i can found it ????
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!

accemic debugger

hallo carlye,

one possibility is, you make a full image
of your harddisk where the tool is installed and than restore it after you have the key translated to the disk.

accemic topice

where can I found a full work monitor debugger for Fujitsu MB90F543?



Hello all.
As I see there're people outside working with these processors,
so here again with a technical question for all of you.

My aplication saves data into sector SA2 of Flash memory, which
is the smallest one and doesn't produces any conflict with MCE
(as it semms).

I'm trying to write routines to write and read data easier than
what I have right now. For that matter, I need to get global
variables meaningfull aligned into consecutive memory
positions to make the saving and reading procedures not so
memory consuming.

I thought in any #pragma directive similar to
#pragma location ....
to be used before variable's declaration, but I'm not able to
find what the syntax is.

I'd be please to hear your advice.
Best Regards

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