Re: FUJITSU 16 bit uC
tjalps said:
Did anzone use this uC-s and what are zour experieces with them?
I worked with them.
Impressions are very good.
Wide chip choise, a lot of SRAM, FLASH, periferials.
Practically free compiler.
Good stress stability (against noise environment, power glitces and etc.).
Relatively cheap
Good availiability
Some disadvantages in compare with Mitsubishi M16C:
-High power consumption (not suitable for battery powered applications)
-Processing speed for equal C source code is about 2-3 times lower
-Most of FLASH chip need 5V only (absence of 3V chip version)
-Most of chips has a lack of code protection from unauthorized access
-It is difficult to run UART at baudrate more then 38400. Especially if you use CAN with standard baudrate and limited in Xtal frequency choice.
-Lack of support drom 3d party tools vendor (but support from Fujitsu is good)
-It is difficult to realize fault protected bootloader since interrupt vectors located into the same FLASH sector as reset vector and external bus configuration word (no problem for M16C due relocatable interrupt table).