FUJITSU 16 bit uC - request for information

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May 28, 2001
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mb90f543 bootloader


Did anzone use this uC-s and what are zour experieces with them?




Look at: h~~p://
µC/OS-II Microprocessor Ports : Miscellaneous

there is FUJITSU 16 bit uC port and some Application Notes examples.


Re: FUJITSU 16 bit uC

tjalps said:
Did anzone use this uC-s and what are zour experieces with them?

I worked with them.
Impressions are very good.
Wide chip choise, a lot of SRAM, FLASH, periferials.
Practically free compiler.
Good stress stability (against noise environment, power glitces and etc.).
Relatively cheap
Good availiability

Some disadvantages in compare with Mitsubishi M16C:
-High power consumption (not suitable for battery powered applications)
-Processing speed for equal C source code is about 2-3 times lower
-Most of FLASH chip need 5V only (absence of 3V chip version)
-Most of chips has a lack of code protection from unauthorized access
-It is difficult to run UART at baudrate more then 38400. Especially if you use CAN with standard baudrate and limited in Xtal frequency choice.
-Lack of support drom 3d party tools vendor (but support from Fujitsu is good)
-It is difficult to realize fault protected bootloader since interrupt vectors located into the same FLASH sector as reset vector and external bus configuration word (no problem for M16C due relocatable interrupt table).

Thanks for your info! As I see zou now a lot about this uC-s. Can zou explain me folowing:

-what problems can I expect with UART
-is bootloader working ok and is code public in Fujitsu development tools
-what about C compiler development environmant, is it OK



I have yust seen that thaey also have some kind of ICD(monitor debuger). I-d like to know if anzone used this unit and what is the price_



what about hitachi H8 (8,16 bit)midros ??

who has worked with them?

they have a lot of RAM ,Flash ,peripherals,I think they can be a good choice and they are low cost.


UARTs have a stupid prescaler. So you can't get standard baudrates 57600, 115200 with Xtal 16MHz. Maximum is 38400.

I told about custom bootloader. For example I create bootloader through CAN bus. The problem that I found is that if power off occured when FLASH sector with start address is in erazing process. In that case after power on bootloader can not start, and I need to use the standard UART bootloader. This bootloader located into mask ROM, so it is working at any case. But for starting standard bootloader you need to switch some jumper on the board and you are limited to use UART1 for boot (not a CAN, not a UART0 and etc).

Software (PC side) for standard boot available from Fujitsu site and working OK. Code is'nt public, but the protocol is public.
Also there are examples for custom bootloaader. I used them for my own bootloader.

C compiler and IDE isn't excellent but good enought. You need to order free CD with compiler and other tools from the Fujitsu site. Some files ZIPped with password so you need to request password from Fujitsu support. No charge.

tjalps said:

I have yust seen that thaey also have some kind of ICD(monitor debuger). I-d like to know if anzone used this unit and what is the price_


I know. But I finished my Fujitsu projects before this software be availiable. And as i remember it isn't free. Only time limited demo.

7rots51 said:

what about hitachi H8 (8,16 bit)midros ??

who has worked with them?

I am only going to start project on H8S chip.

7rots51 said:

they have a lot of RAM ,Flash ,peripherals,I think they can be a good choice and they are low cost.


I think so.

By me the Mitsubishi M16/32 is the best 16bit universal MCU. But they are expensive.

Fujitsu Eva-Boards

I work with Fujitsu µCs more than 5yrs. MB90F523 (120pin, LCD controller), MB90F543 (100pin, 2xCAN), MB90F385 (48pin, 1xCAN).
I have realized MP3-player, house-control via CAN, etc.

C-Compiler is very good and free of charge. Of course, as with any kind of µCs you have to know some tips and tricks how set up best code.

Very good support from Fujitsu and distributors (EBV, GLYN, Ineltek). Unfortunately less information in www.

If you are interested in some cheap EVA-boards, you can check:

I've also developped with Fujitsu MB90F543 and the performance is excelent, compared to my previous experiences, Motorola 68HC11 and several PICs
C Cross-Compiler "Softune" from Fujitsu is free in Europe.
The only disadvantage is the price of the In-Circuit Emulator, wich is not free, from third party vendor:
Even so, I don't think the price is so high compared to the benefits in time of development and so on.

See another development board:
**broken link removed**


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