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FSS(Frequency selective surface) simulation in HFSS for non-square shape (Polygon) unicell

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Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Dec 30, 2019
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I am trying to simulate FSS (frequency selective surfaces) using HFSS.

I made a cross-shaped 15GHz blocking unit cell by referring to the video
, and as a next step, I tried to simulate the hexagonal unit cell FSS, which I wanted to simulate actually.
However, I am having a problem with setting up the Floquet port, so I am leaving a question to ask for help.

I thought the Floquet port was setting A and B directions to set the wave to propagate direction, so when I set A and B orthogonally to the direction toward the unit cell and also to each other, I saw the following error message.

[error] Port 'FloquetPort1': The exterior boundary of the faces for a Floquet Port must consist of pairs of parallel and equal length segments, displaced from each other by an integer linear combination of the lattice vectors. (9:25:30 PM Jan 07, 2023)
[error] Port 'FloquetPort2': The exterior boundary of the faces for a Floquet Port must consist of pairs of parallel and equal length segments, displaced from each other by an integer linear combination of the lattice vectors. (9:25:30 PM Jan 07, 2023)

For a rectangular unit cell, I could follow the video from youtube, but I have no idea how to simulate a circle or polygonal unit cell, so I would like to ask for help.


As the message implies, I think your a and b vectors should be two of the lattice vectors, not necessarily orthogonal vectors in rectangular coordinates. Have you tried directing the b vector toward the center of one face as well?

As the message implies, I think your a and b vectors should be two of the lattice vectors, not necessarily orthogonal vectors in rectangular coordinates. Have you tried directing the b vector toward the center of one face as well?
Do you mean just leave the A vector and reverse the direction of the B vector?

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