I want to estimate the parameters of the static tustin friction model, which is given by
Fr = Fc*sign(v)+(Fs-Fc)*exp(-v/vs) +Fv*v
where v is the joint velocity for example. I've taken experimental datas for the pairs (v, Fr) and now I want to estimate the static parameters Fc, Fs, Fs and vs.
In a paper, that I've read, they have used the genetic algorithm for estimating those parameters. I've seen that Matlab has got a genetic algorithm toolbox, but don't know how to use it exactly to get an estimation for the parameters that I'm locking for.
Lets say, ideal parameters are Fc = 1.5 Fs = 1 vs = 0.1 and Fv = 2. How do I find the real parameters that fit to the captured data (v,Fr)
I hope anyone could help me with the right syntax for using the GA algorithm