frequency meter pic led display

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lc meter pic16f628

Yes atmel2000, if we want to make another project like me, it will be much more simpler to use a good compiler with built-in math float and LCD routines, instead of loosing time trying to understand a disasm hex file

lc metr

Hi tgq,
Do you have the PIC16F628 files for the LC meter? I have 628 and not 622

l-meter at89c2051

I find an other at:
**broken link removed**

it used a ATMEL chip and its completely free, with the source.

I am going to try

89c2051 lc meter


nice link i also give a try to it and told the result after testing it

good work

lc metre

If you can understand turkish... :? try this...but it is usefull anyway

**broken link removed**



I have build the 'good LC meter' and have some problem and experience to share,
First the experience 8)
-the coil for F1 showd be of very low resistance<<100milliohm and wide range core ferrite material 20KHz ~ 1MHz.
-use a trimmer of 10~20p parallel with Caliberation Cap.
- how to minimize stray inductance?
- the stray source..switches, tracks etc. etc can somebody guide on track layout...component sellection etc.
I am attaching an excell sheet for F1 & F2 behavior while changing C caliberation.

make lc meter-electronic-schematic.php.htm


This LC is the same as the one described here
But with nice PCB + asm&hex for pic16f84

Pharaoh Of Egypt

lc meter pic 628

FIY, in this latet post for LCM with PIC16F84, the Ccap is actually 1000p and not 1020p as wrongly shown on schematic(check in asm!). I gues this is the earliest version of a/a/d/e/ LC meter with PIC16C61...when it was free...modified for PIC16F84...the switches are 2PST...with 4PST contact is improved.

look at


l-c meter lcd nokia3310

hi friend hadihf and Pharaoh of Egypt

I realy thankfull for pharaoh of egypt that he provide the lc meter in the result hadihf provide the orginal link to the page which have lot of other use full information because that the right way, any way thanks for the both, i think that the right thing which we are wiating for pic 16F84 based lc meter

lc meter nokia 3310

Dear friends, I have to built the LCmeter with the plans found in **broken link removed**

but when i turn on the circuit, it LCD show four black boxes. what's happen somebody can help me?

lc meter aade

You have the incorrect fuse settings, reprogramm with

WDT - off
BOD - on


l/c meter hex fil


I built this LC meter. Now I need to calibrate it. So the question is not about calibration, but about coil used in LC meters. What kind of coils are you using? Do you wind it manualy or you use factory made coils? For the test I use the 150 uH choke (small green like resistor). I'm not sure could I use it?


pic16f84 lc meter

You can use it...
if you use L with high serial resistance, you will lose accuracy on higher capacitors (e.g. 100n and up, which have not good Q - paper, and some plastic).

lc meter brief

pool_77 said:
You can use it...
if you use L with high serial resistance, you will lose accuracy on higher capacitors (e.g. 100n and up, which have not good Q - paper, and some plastic).

Thanx for replay.
So, what kind of coil do you recomend?




In the next EPE feb 2004 issue.
You will find a project for LCF Meter using PIC16F628
This meter measure

L 1uH 10H
C 1pF 6500uF
F 0.05HZ 5MHZ

The design depends on the NAND CMOS gates to construct the oscillator.


lc meter atmega

**broken link removed**

LC meter with pic for 38$ :?

lm311 oscillator

Can discuss here the accuracy of readings? Thanks. :?:

lc-meter pic16f84

Here is PCB in PDF to scale...just print

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