Hi All,
I would like to read the speed of 8 fans. Any partnumber of ICs that has I2C interface that can do the job? I have been searching for parts but cannot find it.
How do you plan to sense the speed? with the tach output some fans have?
The tach output is a digital pulse that you can feed directly to a microcontroller input and read with the internal counter.
You may select a micro with enough I/O pins, or use a front end multiplexer like the CD4051 if you want to use a smaller micro.
That microcrocontroller can then become an I2C slave that will feed the fan data to upon request.
Thanks. I am considering that option also but I am looking for a separate ICs that counts the pulse with I2C bus to minimized parts and easy implementation.
When Philips still owned the semiconductor division, prior to it becoming NXP, they used to have a list of "approved" I2C devices, both their own devices and third party offerings.
This was required to maintain a semblance of order for the addresses.
They may still have a similar list. have you searched the NXP website?